2007 - Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu 383, Seria Ogrodnictwo 41: 17-21

Przemysław Bąbelewski

Rozmieszczenie stanowisk
bożodrzewu gruczołkowatego
(Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle)
we Wrocławiu w zależności
od sposobu użytkowania terenu

Z Katedry Ogrodnictwa
Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu

Abstract. In the years 1998-2001 in the area of Wrocław there were recorded 647 locations with 2025 trees-of-heaven. Their location distribution in Wrocław area did not directly depend on the way and intensity the land was used, nor the type of the building structure. The highest number of Ailanthus locations featured the zone of compact housing and the lowest one in the green urban area.

Key words: tree-of-heaven, land use zones, type of building


Distribution of heaven tree (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) depending on land use in Wrocław


The purpose of the work was an investigation of the effect of land use on tree-of-heaven distribution in Wrocław. The method of laticing the city area was applied. Tree-of-heaven distribution did not directly depend on the way and intensity of land use, nor the existing building structure type. The highest number of locations, i.e. 255 was recorded in compact housing zone up to 5-storey-buildings, then 188 locations featured the zone of services, industrial and railway area. The third zone, numbering 117 Ailanthus locations, was 5-10-storey building area. 57 locations were recorded in the area of loose type of building, while the lowest number of locations belonged to zone 1, including green urban areas, forests and meadows. Tree-of-heaven was determined as an urbanophilic species, i.e. the one strictly connected with the city centre, which could be proved by the highest location density in compact building area.